[quote="Hartland"]A couple o' riddles
What does a diamond become when placed in water?
What did the big rose say to the little rose?
What is it that doesn't ask any questions, but must be answered?
What does a chicken do when it stands on one foot?
What kind of bird has wings, but can't fly?
What 2 words have the most letters in them?
What has neither flesh nor bone, but has four fingers and a thumb?
How many of each animal did Moses bring on the arc?
What groes larger the more you take away from it?
Poke out its eyes and it has nothing left but a nose. What is it?
What runs all day and never walks / Often murmurs, never talks / Has a bed and never sleeps / Has a mouth but never eats?
Which side of the pitcher is the handle on?
What is the difference between here and there?
If two is company, and three's a crowd, how much is four and five?
What fruit can you find on a dime?
How can you divide 10 potatoes EQUALLY between three people?
What is no larger when it weighs 20 pounds than when it weighs 1 pound?
No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?
What falls but never breaks? What breaks and never falls?
Ok the answers:
2.Hey Bud
3.A telephone
4.Holds up the other one
5.A dead bird
6. Post office
7.A glove
8.None. It was Noah who brought them, not moses
9.A hole
11.A river
12.The outside
13.The letter T
15.A date
16.Mash them
17.A scale
19.Night and day